Candy Shop Read online
Page 11
“If he got away, think of all the other women out there he might be doing this to. Think of the ones who are just like you and are scared to say anything. Don’t live in fear, Redina. Take back your life.”
The words that the female cop said to Red resonated with her as she looked up at her with the only eye that wasn’t swollen shut. If she let this beat her than everything she would have gone through would be in vain. She had been through so much and even sold herself to eat. She had seen her family brutally murdered for the love of money and gluttony. She had single handedly achieved her revenge against the man who murdered her parents, Elias Gonzalez, so why was it trivial for her to report Pet to the police? She gave the nice policewomen the information they needed to hunt and locate Pet but she knew they would never find him. He was like Big Foot, oddly elusive. But knowing he was still out there only meant one thing for Redina Hawkins, revenge would be sweeter than life itself.
Messiah grew weary of the song and dance happening in Zadie’s living room and was ready to put an end to it once and for all. He took out his cell once more and dialed eagerly on the keypad. Zadie was leaning forward on the couch with her fingers locked and elbows to her knees, shaking her head. She didn’t know what Messiah had in store for her but she felt that whatever it was, after everything she had done, she down right deserved it.
“Yeah, meet at the spot.” He said hanging up the phone and grabbing Zadie by the arm tightly.
The small array of sunlight slapped her face as she squinted and shielded her eyes. He led her around the back to the alley and threw her into the passenger seat of a van. As he got in and started the car he looked at her with beady eyes snickering just a bit. He was a bit excited to get to his destination driving like a bat out of hell. What Zadie didn’t realize is that right behind them in a dark vehicle was Skid and her sister driving to same location. She looked around trying to make sure they weren’t going to any open fields or ditches because if they were she had already made plans to jump out and run for her life. If she was going to go down she was damn well going to go down swinging.
Zadie recognized the route they were taking and knew it well. She leaned back in the seat feeling comfortable and relieved feeling like there she had nothing to worry about. Messiah would never bring bullshit to his establishment because that was his legitimate business and no one knew of its underground layer. He always kept it professional and never brought dirt in. They pulled up to the gate flowing through with ease as the gate slid over allowing both cars to slip in. The sunlight slammed smack dab in their faces now as they drove into the horizon down the long neighborhood of storage units. Zadie sat up noticing Danger’s car already parked outside then turning around noticing another car behind them pulling up. She was still confident in her safety but wondered how long that would last.
They jumped out the car, Messiah signaling for her to come by his side as Skid and the masked and tied hostage walked up to them. The storage unit gate went up as they walked in not waiting for it to fully rise then walked into the awaiting elevator. Zadie stared at the masked hostage already knowing who it was. She knew who it was since it was hard not to notice a protruding belly despite the mask. She knew they had weaseled some information out of her seeing as though she was just that weak. Zadie wanted to reach up and hit her in the stomach just for being a dumb ass all the time but knew this wasn’t the time nor the place. It was then that she realized that her son was never in that car. The whole time it was Braze with the bag over her head and Messiah had played her yet again.
On the bottom floor, Messiah walked through the hideous display that used to be the business he had worked so hard to create. He kicked the left over bags out the way making his way down the “belly” looking at the empty brightly lit rooms. Years of hard worked gone to shit in an instant. He thought. Danger and Amy stepped out the room with their arms folded hawking as they all walked up to them. Skid removed the bag and the zip tie from Braze’s head and hands. She looked around at everyone and felt her heart drop when she saw Zadie standing no less than a few steps from her. She wasn’t scared of her but she definitely didn’t feel comfortable standing so close to her. Zadie, on the other hand, didn’t even bat at a lash her.
“Now that we’re all here, we can finally air out all grievances and when we leave here today, there will be no hard feelings in the Candy Shop.” Messiah said as watched the dogs roam around freely around them.
Skid stepped back leaning against the wall already having a feeling of what was going down. He knew Messiah wasn’t the type to really hit a female but it was clear that there were a few ass beatings a bit overdue. Messiah walked around Braze licking his lips and giving her the short look at the same time. He but his love for her aside to handle business. He was at witts end with all the females in his life but he remembered she was the only one carrying his seed.
“Braze. What can I say to you? You disappointed me but more importantly you broke my heart.” Messiah said cracking his knuckles. “Zadie. Willing to sell your soul for a quick buck and some change. What do I do with the both of you?”
The ladies lowered their heads in shame then Zadie picked hers back up in anger.
“It wasn’t all me, Meech. There was Pet and the rest of the soldiers and, and…”
“And who?”
“Your own fucking brother, Danger.”
The room grew cold and everybody stood still as all eyes turned to the elephant in the room.
“You dirty little bitch! How the hell you gonna put me in that shit with you, Z?”
“Oh don’t act so innocent you fucking spaz! You met up with me in the car that day we was smoking weed and you were all game for it.” Zadie said pointing and snarling at him. “Meech he was only out to replace you and get the money out of your safe. He’s just as much at fault as we are.”
“Uh, huh. So how do you think I found out about this whole thing going down? Magic?” Messiah said scratching his eyebrow.
Zadie paused then turned back to Danger giving him the evil eye. It was he who foiled her plan and set her up from the get-go. If it weren’t for her naïve love of Messiah she wouldn’t have fallen for that phone call Danger hit her with and she would’ve gotten away with the whole thing. She thought about the plan wishing she had done a few things differently to have been on top of her game.
“If you weren’t such a conniving bitch maybe none of us would be in this mess.” Braze said looking down to the floor.
“What did you just say?” Zadie asked walking up to her sister’s ear. “Did you have something to say to me?”
“Yeah. You fucked up a good thing. We were getting money, real money, and we didn’t have to flip burgers or sell our asses to get it but you jacked that up for everybody.” Braze snapped back at her.
“You stupid cunt! If it weren’t for me you wouldn’t even have been here. You would have been still stuck at home up under Grammy, watching my son, and eating Donut Sticks all damn day.”
Braze became furious at the way Zadie was talking to her. She talked as if she was nine years old all over again. She hated that Zadie never respected her as a woman and always belittled her.
“You know that’s mighty funny. You’re absolutely correct. If it weren’t for you I wouldn’t have known about the Candy Shop since you whored around to get in here and I wouldn’t have met Big Meech and gotten pregnant with his son…” Braze paused with a smile on her face. She looked up into Messiah’s eyes waiting to see if he would trip that the cat was out of the bag but he didn’t. “Oops! Did I just say that? Yep, I think I did.”
Zadie lost it grabbing Braze’s hair throwing her to the floor. She climbed on top of her hoping to bash her giant head into the concrete but was immediately pulled away by Skid who manhandled her like a rag doll.
“Get your ass back over there. “ He said. “Ain’t none of that going down.”
Zadie retreated back against the wall she was thrown up against breathing heavily. She looked into
Messiah’s cold pitiless eyes hoping for an ounce of it. He looked away not wanting to let her make an ass out of herself any further by assuming he did. She looked around at the faces glaring and the eyes haunting her. They never had any intention on forgiving this deed she had done but she wasn’t about to let them think they had the upper hand on her. Hell naw, she wasn’t going out like a punk.
“You people are weak. You wish you had the balls I had to do this shit. I see what I want and I go get it. I wanted Meech and I got him. I wanted to be the top bitch and I was. You motherfuckas were like putty in my hand. Don’t you see?” She recited drunk with rage and what she thought was power.
“You’re so fucked up in the head you don’t realize you’re losing.” Messiah said.
“We could’ve been happy you and me.”
“Yeah and now it’s over.”
Red stepped out of the office pointing a long black 9mm gun inserting two slugs into Zadie’s head and two in her chest. Zadie slid down the wall leaving small a blood streak with her eyes still focused in on her one true love. A loud screeching shriek thundered out of Braze’s mouth. She crawled over to her sister’s lifeless body pulling and grabbing on her rocking her gently. She put her head under her chin and stroked her hair pretending she was only sleeping and would wake up soon then let out another high pitched shriek. Messiah pointed at her for Skid to pick her up and carry her into the meeting room away from the dead body. He looked up at a badly beaten and bruised Red and walked over to touch her face. She lowered her gun jumping a little still on edge from the whole ordeal she had just been through.
“You satisfied?” He asked stroking her hair.
“No. I won’t be satisfied until they’re all dead. Including you princess.” Red said pointing over into the room at a terribly distraught Braze.
“I didn’t do anything, Red. I didn’t know what they would do to you.”
Red shook her head not giving a shit what she had to say. “Pray I have mercy on you because you’re Messiah’s baby’s momma. But know this, that ass is on the line.”
Her words only made Braze more hysterical.
“We will talk Red.”
“We’ve done enough talking don’t you think?”
Messiah was surprised at the sudden change in tone from her. He figured she would be happy to see him, when in fact she wasn’t happy at all. It was as if her spirit was ripped from her when they kidnapped her and committed all of those unspeakable acts on her. He knew he would have to bring her back to life. He wouldn’t let her destroy herself because of that shit.
“You know I had you the whole time, right? I wasn’t going to give up until I got you back.” Messiah said.
“I know.” Red replied.
Messiah’s cell rang and vibrated out of control the whole time and continued to do so. He finally picked it up checking out the caller ID and saw that the doctor from the hospital had been calling his ass off. He wanted to check the billionth voicemail that he had left but noticed Red heading for the elevator as she stepped over Zadie’s lifeless body like she was scraps of trash.
“You guys think you can clean this mess up and take out the trash.” He said pointing to Zadie’s empty shell.
“We got you bro. Don’t worry about this.” Danger replied.
He took the pistol from Red handing it to Amy then grabbed Red’s hand escorting her to the elevator with him. She was confused as to where he was taking her but didn’t ask any questions looking down at the ground not wanting him to stare at her swollen face and badly beaten eye. She was vexed at the fact that all of this happened to her over a love she hadn’t actually owned. She was beginning to think that accepting Messiah’s help was the biggest mistake of her life. Even the streets hadn’t prepared her for the things she’s been through all while working at the Candy Shop. A candy that was more bitter than sweet.
“I want you to go to the hospital with me to check on my wife.” He said as they stepped out the elevator.
“What? Are you crazy? I’m not going to the hospital with you.”
“Why not? She’s in a coma so she won’t even know you’re there.”
“Messiah, has this night got you fucked up or something? No, I’m not doing it.”
“Red, you’re overreacting…”
“No! You’re losing your damn mind. Look, let’s just call this what it is. I work for you, nothing more nothing less. I’ve been through enough in my life I don’t need to add a man and his drama to the equation.”
Messiah rubbed his head in confusion. The only other woman to reject him was his wife, which was probably the reason why he was so drawn to her. Red tried to walk off but remembered that she didn’t have the app for the door so she stood there in silence waiting for him to raise the door. She turned her back to him with her arms folded knowing how much it burned her inside to ignore him. But she wasn’t about to come second to nobody, not even for him.
“Good-bye Messiah.”
Messiah wasn’t about to let her go that easy. He wanted to remain true to his wife but there was no way in hell he was prepared to lose the only thing that was pure and made him happy. She could be mad all he wanted at him but he wanted her affection, he yearned for it. In the back of his mind he knew it was right but the only way he was going to remain sane with Alexis was by having Red right there by his side. hit the keypad opening the unit door and they stepped out as the sun shone down hard on their faces.
“You thought I was playing motherfucka?” Bentley said raising the Sawed-off shotgun up to Agent Crosby’s face.
“Alright now. You don’t want to do anything stupid. Killing a DEA agent is a federal offense son. You want to end your life right here?” Crosby said damn near about to shit on himself.
“Crosby, what are you doing here?” Messiah asked.
“He’s been here all night, Meech, snooping around and shit. He’s been spying on your operation. Why can’t black folk just have a legitimate business without being harassed, huh?” Bentley snapped becoming jittery.
He was waving the gun around and pointing it up and down from Crosby’s schlong back up to his face trying to decide on which one he wanted to blast him in first. Bentley had five o’clock shadow like he hadn’t shaved or slept in days but the incident happened only a matter of hours before. He looked as if he had been up all night cracked out on a heroin binge, a substance abuse he knew all too well. Messiah got him clean and kept him that way for 5 years and he reverted back to the same shit after a matter of hours. Messiah knew exactly what it was because he could never forget the ghost-like image that always appeared on his face. It was like he was dead already.
“What the fuck are you doing, B?” Messiah yelled. “Man put the damn gun down!”
“Bentley!” Red shouted.
Bentley raised the gun even higher aiming directly for the spot in between Crosby’s eyes. He wanted that son of a bitch to pay for what he had done to them. He wanted him to feel weak and as helpless as he did. There would be no greater joy then to see him squirming on the ground begging for his life or forgiveness just as he and his lover had. It was the worst thing he could think of that had ever happened to him. Most people would laugh at some shit like that but in Bentley’s eyes, that shit was just like a grown man raping a little, down right unspeakable and wrong. His lover was long gone wanting to get over the situation on his own but Bentley couldn’t let it go. He wasn’t nervous or fearful of any consequences he just wanted him to suffer like he had to.
“Naw, Meech. This nigga had two nasty ass hoes rape me and my friend while they stood there laughing and shit like it was Def Comedy Jam. Now this motherfucka’s gotta pay.”
“Com’ on B. Don’t do this. Not like this.”
“If I let him go, he’ll just arrest me and I ain’t going to jail Meech.”
“Dude I’ll get you the best lawyer money can buy. Just put the gun down man. Straight up.”
p; Bentley thought about it, weighing his options. He knew Messiah wouldn’t lie to him and would definitely get him the best lawyer but the question was would he be able to get him off? He didn’t want to take any chances on the shit but at the same time he knew killing a cop wouldn’t be the smartest thing he had ever done. Bentley blew his breath heavily in and out as if he was doing Lamaze then he slowly lowered the gun. Everyone let out a simultaneous sigh of relief.
“Smart boy. Prison time for killing a Federal Agent is usually death.” Crosby said lowering his hands placing them on his hips.
“No, you can’t go to jail B. Damn dude you be killin me sometimes. Now hand me the gun.” Messiah said reaching out for it.
“Naw man this is my protection. Just in case some cracker ass cops come back trying to rape me again.”
“Awe you fucking faggot, just hand his ass the gun before I stick my dick off in your mouth Blackie.” Crosby laughed.