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Page 3

  At the end of the hall was a big black door that swung open as another guy with a dog opened it for them.

  “Alright. Everyone have a seat and let’s get down to business.” Messiah said pointing to a black leather chair in front of his huge ebony wood desk.

  Red sat down never feeling something so warm, so smooth. She couldn’t take her eyes off of the man of the hour wondering how he had become such an important man. Her heart fluttered like never before. She didn’t think about fucking him or having his babies, none of that stupid shit women use to trap good quality men. She was thinking about falling in love with this man and making him fall for her. A man of his caliber should have a strong go-getter woman on his team and she wanted to be just that.

  “Hey man, I gotta ride.” Danger said flicking through his Iphone without looking up.

  “Ah, the babes. Tell them I said whaddup.” Messiah said shaking up with his brother and watching as he walked out the door never looking him in his eye.

  First Day

  Red stepped in Messiah’s office right behind Skid, watching him closely as he handled business on the phone. He was a sight to see when he was at work. It was like watching the CEO of a major corporation conduct the day to day. Every time she was in his presence she felt light headed and dizzy like she would faint. It would have been nice to tell him how she felt but the fear of rejection seemed imminent. There was no way she was prepared to deal with that and she already knew what she needed to do to hook this dude real quick.

  “Hey, there’s my girl. You ready to work?” Messiah said smiling and standing to wrap his arms around her.

  “Yep.” Red responded shyly as she let him escort her out the door and into the hall or what was otherwise known as the “belly of the beast”. She quickly whisked her white lab coat around onto her arms and straightened it as they walked towards one of the rooms.

  “We have meetings in here everyday one hour before their shift starts. The chicks need to be kept in check, you feel me?” Messiah whispered into her ear so sweetly trembles shot through her body.

  “Yes, baby.” Red didn’t mean to let that slip out that way but she was caught in the moment. Messiah looked at her and winked as he busted open the door like he was the SWAT team on a bust.

  “Alright cease the chattering and get your asses in a seat.” Messiah said walking to the front of what appeared to be a mock classroom full of scantily clad females and stood behind a metal podium. They all focused in on Red as she walked to the front of the room and stood a few feet behind him with her hands behind her back attempting to look innocent.

  “First order of business, I feel like ya’ll are taking my kindness for weakness. You’re showing up late, not dressing in uniform when you come up in here. Ya’ll know you supposed to be wearing the office work shirts. Don’t come up in here looking like you fresh from the club. One more time and your ass is out. Period.”

  A few of the ten ladies in the back of the room began sucking their teeth giving fever to what Messiah had just spat. Red peeped the game and so did he but he wasn’t in the mood to deal with catty females at this point, as he was ready to get back to his business in the office.

  “Now you also know that payday is at the end of the month. So if it’s not a dire need then don’t come up in here talking about you need a loan so you can get your hair did. This ain’t that type of establishment, ya heard.” Messiah went on, as the cackling in the back of the room got a bit more disrespectful. He looked up out the top of his eyes and noticed the problem of the pack.

  “Um, do you find something funny back there?” Red stepped in knowing Messiah wouldn’t.

  He was too soft on these bitches probably because they had been with him in the game for a minute or maybe he was fucking them. She didn’t know and she didn’t care but as long as she was running things they were going to have their asses in check.

  “Who the fuck is this bitch?” A chick about the size of a NBA basketball player stood up with her saggy black tits swinging from left to right. Her weave was pulled back tightly in a bun and her nails looked like she swung from trees in the amazon some fucking where.

  “Calm down Zadie, you need to watch your mouth alright?” Messiah stepped in extending his left arm letting Red know to call off the female breed inside of her.

  “Naw, Big Meech. I’m not gone let whoever this is come in here and think she running shit. You just another bag bitch like the rest of us boo. Don’t think you special just cause he about to introduce you.” Zadie said rolling her eyes and crossing her legs as she sat down.

  “Well if you must know, Zadie is it? I’m the new hall manager and when school is in session you need to get to class and don’t be late. I’d hate for your mouth to sign a tardy slip that your ass can’t cash, ya feel me?” Red snapped squinting her eyes devilishly at the girl as she returned the gesture.

  “Shut the hell up! I don’t wanna hear that shit. Y’all wanna fight take that shit to the streets but in here we doing business.” Messiah roared.

  When Messiah yelled it shut the whole room down, since he so rarely got angry at anything. Even the soldiers with their broad shoulders and funky attitudes in the back leaning against the wall were scared. Nobody had witnessed first hand the wrath of Messiah’s anger but rumors and proof flirted around like wildfire of he and his brother’s dealings in their younger days. The look on his face resembled the horrifying look Jack Nicholson had in the movie, The Shining. Everyone found themselves straightening up quickly before he unleashed the beast on them.

  As the look slowly dissipated, he resumed his speech. “Now as I was leading up to, Red is going to be the manager around here. Any grievances you have or stock you need filled while on the job she will handle that for you. No one goes in the supply room at all, period. Is that clear?” He said clicking his teeth and licking his lips standing tall and confident, as a president should.

  “Yes, sir.” The ladies chanted in unison.

  Zadie and her girls Tina and Marie, a pair of white girls from Oak Park who’s parents cut them off financially so they had to work, were eyeing Red like a hawk on it’s prey. They smiled casually as Messiah dismissed everyone not wanting to waste too much time on this shit and lose even more money than he already was. Red went and stood in the hall watching as the ladies filed into their respective workstations and began their work as usual. She looked over and noticed that one lady was moving a little slower than the rest and as she came closer to her she saw that she was pregnant.

  “Hey, you alright girl?” Red asked as she walked up to her.

  “Yeah, I’ll be cool.” The girl tried to walk around Red and continue on to her spot but she stood in her way blocking the path.

  “Shit, you look like you about due huh? You might need to go home and get off your feet.” Red said placing her hand on the girl’s back. “What’s your name?”

  “Braze. But you don’t need to help me I’m straight. You actually need to help yourself though.” She said wobbling into one of the glass rooms.

  “Why does everyone talk in code around here? What are you trying to say?” Red crossed her arms waiting on a response.

  Braze turned around and stood up as straight as a board allowing her glowing perky brown nipples to point out like soldiers. She looked concerned down the hall wondering if anyone was listening then leaned in a bit towards Red’s face.

  “Look, don’t pick a fight with Zadie, okay? She always gets her way and no one ever says anything to her. She will find a way to get you outta here. Just watch your ass.”

  Braze wobbled over to the table placing her paper mask on and getting right to work. She stood there waiting on Red to move along down the hall but she didn’t. She was too preoccupied by Braze’s words. But she was happy nonetheless to have received them since Braze didn’t have to say anything and she did anyway. It was then that she decided she would keep her close to her side because that was the bitch she could trust.


; “Why you play me in front of that ugly ass tramp, baby? I would have never done nothing like that to you?” Zadie said licking her lips and throwing her fat ass up on Messiah’s lap.

  “Hey, watch your mouth. She’s not a tramp, she’s my friend, and you will respect her just as you respect all the rest of my friends. Ya dig?”

  Tina walked over enticed by her show and grabbed her ass pulling it up for him to get a better view as Zadie bent over. Marie stood there on shy mode wondering if she should get involved or leave. Embarrassed by her lack of balls to go over and join them, she just left the room to avoid any further humiliation. Tina bent over and sucked Zadie’s ass cheeks loving the sweet and salty taste of her skin.

  “Remember this daddy?” Tina asked Messiah as he stood there watching the show. “Remember me licking this pussy and making her scream your name?”

  “You’re nothing but a big tease, Tina. You don’t give up no ass so who you frontin’ for?” Messiah said trying to tame the beast within his pants.

  Tina jumped up smacking Zadie on her ass as she stood up. “Well you loved it anyway.” She said as she leaned in sucking face with him seductively.

  She moved her tongue around in her mouth like a wild snake rubbing his dick through his pants trying to make it grow nice and hard.

  “Grow for me daddy.” She said tempting him into her seductive tricks.

  Zadie cleared her throat loudly for Tina to get a handle on herself then she gave the signal for her to go on without her so she could have Messiah all to herself for a while.

  Tina rubbed her C-cup nipples picking one up and turning it into her mouth then revealing her tongue slapping it on top. She smiled slyly as she hit the door and left the room. Zadie rolled her eyes pissed off and disgusted at that bitch always needing to have the center of attention just because she had a banging body and eleven percent body fat.

  “Please leave.” He ordered the horny on looking soldiers out of the room to attend to their duties.

  They already knew what was going on and had been going on for long time but none of them cared. They just wanted a piece of that ass themselves but she wasn’t biting. Zadie felt like she had the main man and that was all that mattered. She wanted to be his wife one day and be set for life by this man. She tried so desperately to get pregnant by him but Messiah was real careful, always slipping the condom on right before he stuck it in her. He was no fool.

  “You need to learn to calm your little ass down, girl.” Messiah said grabbing her wide ass bringing it in closer to him.

  “I know baby but I don’t like her. Why she gotta be here?” Zadie said in her elementary school girl voice. She always tried to butter him up with the voice and distract him with her body.

  “It ain’t about what you don’t want. She’s here to stay now deal with it.” Messiah turned her around and began sucking on her dark brown skinned neck. He massaged over the tattoo of the words “Chocolate Thunder” on her inner thigh as he went to slip two fingers inside of her awaiting pussy. She moaned softly as his rough fingers mutilated her warm opening like it was punching through wood. He liked to keep it nice and rough with her no matter how much she said she hated it. She only wanted him to take it slow so it could feel like he was making love to her and he wasn’t on that. There was only one woman in his life he would ever make love to and she wasn’t her.

  Zadie leaned her head on his shoulder loving every minute of his embrace and as she was imagining her two-car garage with a three-story house in the suburbs that she was working so hard to get, Messiah sharply pulled his fingers out and removed his shoulder making her head bobble like the doll. She was bewildered since he had never stopped in the middle of that shit before.

  “What’s wrong baby?” She asked rubbing his perfectly lined thin goatee.

  “Nothing. We just ain’t got time to play right now. We got work to do.” He replied smelling the cherry scent of her pussy on his fingers feeling his manhood jump.

  He was a sucker for the smell of woman’s freshly scented pussy, but there was a time and place for everything and this was neither the time nor the place. Zadie grew increasingly angry, being riled up and not being able to get satisfied.

  “Baby, that X ain’t going nowhere. You know your girls gonna do whatever they got to so my baby can make his money.” She went to him rubbing on his hard pecks hoping to get him back in the mood.

  Messiah folded his arms and looked down at her like he wasn't playing. He didn't like thirsty women and that's exactly what she was acting like. He was a man who liked to take charge being very domineering and her whole desperate act for attention was a complete turn off.

  “Meech, you got me fucked up if you think you about to leave me like this. Who you saving yourself for? Is it that bitch in the hall? Are you running up behind this bitch?” Zadie knew how to push Messiah’s buttons and never liked to stop until he she saw the attitude on his face.

  Messiah knew this but never let a bitch get under his skin especially a gold digging one. He looked at her with a smirk then straightened his suit jacket against his body and walked out the door. Zadie stood there pissed off as he left then fixed her thong and walked out headed for her post. He had never dismissed her like that so for him to do it was like a slap in the face. Red was walking back and forth checking on all the girls when she caught Zadie walking down the hall. She pretended not to see her and walked directly into her bumping into her shoulder with hers so hard that Zadie took a few steps backwards from the blow.

  “You’re late. Real late.” Red taunted as Zadie stomped past her in a hurry trying to ignore her. Red was having a good time laughing in the process. “Awe what’s wrong? Didn’t get any daddy dick today?”

  Zadie curled her lip up at her and rolled her eyes as she vanished into the room down the hall. Messiah openly crept out of the washroom drying his hands and looked down the hall at Red. He winked his eye at her making her blush as she turned around to get back to work. She wasn’t about to abuse her blessing like Zadie and get lazy and unproductive. She knew she was a better chick than that beat up old bitch any day and one day Messiah would know that as well.

  She couldn’t understand what he saw in her in the first place. She was a tall ape like chick with a busted grill with the one tooth missing in front of her mouth and with all the money she made here it seemed like she couldn’t keep her weave together. She had stretch marks on her ass, stomach, legs, and arms like she had been around the block a few times with a bus pass and a few kids and to top it all off she looked like she was damn near forty years old. Nonetheless she went to work just like the other girls for the five-hour haul.


  Knock. Knock.

  “I didn’t mean to disturb you but it’s 2am and all the girls are gone for the night so I’m locking up.”

  “Thanks, love. The days are long and vigorous here but it’s the only way we all eat, you know what I’m saying? So did you like your first day?” Messiah leaned back in his chair and smiled.

  “Of course I did. No complaints here.”

  Messiah smiled as she smiled. Every time he looked at her he felt some kind of way he couldn’t explain. He knew she felt it too but they were both too caught up in their pride to express what they were feeling. Nevertheless, the emotion, fire, and passion was there. It was funny to him that she could come back into his life after all these years and make his heart flutter like she did when they were kids. He might have been a bit older than her then but she was more than just a kid then. She was his best friend and not even an age gap could prevent him from being soft on her. They stared at each other dreamingly for a few seconds before the silence was finally broken.

  “Listen, Messiah. I just wanted to say thank you…for everything. I would still be on the streets if it weren’t for you. Anyway, thanks.” Red said attempting to leave out the door.

  “Hey girl. Nobody works the shop on Fridays, you know that. So how about we make that a date? You know, to catch up and buy you some
new clothes ‘cause that shit you got on is through.” He said as they both laughed at how true he was.

  Red nodded her head in agreement. “I’d like that.” She said as she closed the door and walked to the elevator.

  She smiled to herself while getting on it but just as the doors were closing she noticed a tall shadowy figure standing in the distance. She couldn’t make out who it was but she had a good feeling of who might’ve been. Red knew that Zadie was probably going to go in the office and suck Messiah off like a good little whore but she didn’t care. She felt it was good for her to put in all the work she could because it would soon be all over once he was in her arms once and for all. She couldn’t wait for the day that she would be able to watch her sitting in a corner looking shitty as she hugged and kissed on her man . It was defintiely going to be a world wind romance that Zadie could never experience but only visualize from the outside looking in.