Candy Shop Read online
Page 7
“Mr. Torres. I’m glad you’re here. I have some papers here for you. It’s been about a week now since the accident and your wife’s condition remains the same. My question to you is a difficult one. Do you want to continue with life support or do you feel the need to terminate?”
“Terminate? You’re asking me to kill my wife?”
“Well we don’t like to use that term but technically…yes.” The doctor stood as cold and stiff as a tree on a winter morning. He was truly emotionless and he had to be since he dealt with this kind of thing on an everyday basis.
“You want me to give my consent to terminate my wife like she’s a broken computer or something?”
“Yes that’s the idea.”
It took all of messiah’s might not to slap the dog shit out of the doctor right then.
“I’m not signing that shit doc. Her blood will not be on my hands, no.”
“Son, I know you’re having a hard time dealing with this. Any human would in this case. But you’ve got to start thinking about the quality of life she’s going to have remaining in a hospital bed in a vegetative state for how ever long it takes for you to get over the fact that she’s gone.” The doctor put his hand on Messiah’s shoulder then walked out the room.
Messiah walked over to the window staring out unto the city. It was so beautiful from up there; it looked as if he was looking down on everyone from heaven. Just as he was about to allow a single tear to fall from his eye, Agent Crosby and Maxwell came walking through the door with flowers. Messiah couldn’t pretend he didn’t know who they were. They gave off the stench of moldy old swine.
“Gentlemen, what can I do for you?” He asked sitting back down in the seat crossing his legs and hands.
“Well, we heard that your wife here was in a little accident and uh, well, we decided to pay our respects.” Agent Crosby said placing the flowers on the desk near the bed Alexis lay in.
“Did you?”
“Yeah I mean, why else would we be here?”
Messiah noticed Crosby give Maxwell a signal then Maxwell went and stood on the outside of the door making sure nobody came in.
“SO, Mr. Torres, or should I call you Big Meech? You know for someone to have a name like Big Meech you’ve got to be doing some big big things. So what kind of things do you do?”
“I work. You know my business. I work that’s it. You need my tax returns go get ‘em. You know where they’re at.”
“You’re wasting my time, Mr. Torres, just tell me what I want to hear.”
“Listen, Mr…” Messiah paused.
“Right. I don’t know what you’re looking for but whatever it is, I can assure you, you’re barking up the wrong tree here.”
“Here’s my card. If you so happen to change your mind let me know. Maybe I’ll cut you a sweet deal.”
The men darted eyes at each other as the agent turned to walk away. “Oh and uh, give your wife here my regards.”
The agent walked out of the door leaving Messiah with his thoughts. He already knew what the son of bitch wanted. He wanted a hand out just like the rest of them. But Messiah wasn’t about to give in to some low level DEA agent on a power trip, struggling to pay his mortgage. Those cops didn’t scare him the least bit. He had bigger concerns and it started with his wife. He didn’t know what he was going to do if she died but one thing was very clear. He couldn’t cheat on her anymore with anyone. Messiah felt in his heart that when she woke up she would be a totally different person and would want their marriage to work. She was the only woman who stood by him when times were rough and he felt that all of her drug and alcohol abuse and cheating was only her lashing out at the fact that she lost the baby. Messiah was determined to stand by his woman come hell or high water. He needed to be there for her in every way that a husband should. Even if that meant concealing his weakness for Red.
Red knew something was wrong. Messiah hadn’t been to the office in days and he wasn’t answering his cell phone either. She wondered what was wrong with him or if he was even okay. She walked the belly of the beast not even paying attention to any of the girls in the room. They could have walked out with the whole supply and she wouldn’t have even noticed. Her heart was breaking not knowing what was up with Messiah.
“So, you know today’s my last day, right?” Braze said waddling out of the room headed for the washroom.
“Wow, It’s been that long already?”
“Yeah girl, I should be popping this one out any minute now. Shit I hope sooner than later, ya know. So, why the long face?”
“Braze, you wouldn’t understand.”
“Try me while you help me to the washroom.” The ladies chuckled as they slowly crept down the hall.
“Have you ever felt like you were so in love with someone that you would do anything for them but you didn’t know if they felt the same way?” Red asked.
“Everyday. So who is he? You can tell me.” Braze had a feeling she already knew the answer.
Red smacked her lips at her knowing that she barely knew her but she was all she had to confide in at that moment.
“It’s Messiah. I know we’ve only been back in each other’s lives a short time but I really feel close to him. Like there’s nobody else in the world but me and him.”
“Hm. Big Meech, huh? What do you mean back in each other’s lives?”
“He used to babysit me when we were younger.”
“Oh that’s right you’re still a baby aren’t you? Sweet little Red, still has more growing up to do.” Braze snarled sarcastically as she continued to waddle down the hall.
“Okay what the hell does that mean? I thought you was my girl?”
“Things change. Meanwhile, we barely know each other. How could you think we were friends?”
“Because I watched you pop pills every night in those rooms and you’re fucking pregnant. But I never say anything cause it’s your business.”
“You’re fucking right it’s my business you little whore. And I warn you not to get in my business.” Braze said pimping off.
“What’s your deal? You just flipped the script on me in less than ten seconds.” Red yelled after her but it was no use.
THUD! Red heard as she turned her head trying to forget about what was just said. She doubled back and saw Braze laid out on the floor. She rushed over to her instantly and lifted her head. Her heart was beating a mile a minute unsure of what the hell to do and afraid to call 911.
“Braze what happened?”
“I slipped on my water. It broke as I was walking.”
Red looked down at the dry floor wondering what the hell she was talking about but was distracted by Braze’s ratchet screams. She laid there holding her stomach as if she was about to go into labor. Red didn’t know the first thing about birthing babies and prayed she could hold it in until she figure out how to get her help.
“Oh my God. Skid! Skid!” Red yelled out to the office where Skid jumped up out of his nap.
“What the fuck is going on out here?” Skid said looking like the devil had taken over his soul.
“Braze needs to get to a hospital fast. She’s in labor.”
“Damn, man! I’m not supposed to leave the Shop.”
“Fool go!! This shit is a very serious emergency. I got this and I’m sure he will understand.”
“Alright, alright.”
Skid picked Braze up off the floor like he was scooping up kitty litter and raced towards the elevator. All of the girls were cheering for her as they disappeared into it then slowly filed back into their rooms. Red felt as if handling the lockup of the Shop would be a breeze. She went into the office and cut the lights off not feeling the need for anyone to go in there and when she came out Pet knocked her in the head with the back of his 9mm. Red was helpless as her body was dragged all the way to the elevator and left there.
Tina and Marie escorted the rest of the girls out of the Shop with guns to their heads
threatening death if they opened their mouths about this to anyone. Tina snatched Red’s phone using it to open and close the storage door letting the other girls out. Pet had promised the rest of the soldiers a cut if they agreed to help, which they inevitably did with their greed taking over. They cleaned out Messiah’s whole supply of X, taking the capsules and ransacking his office looking for a way into the safe. They hadn’t much time since Skid would be back any minute but they were prepared to stretch his ass out if they needed to.
“How the fuck do you get in it?” Pet said scrambling to look for a keypad or something to crack the safe.
“Shit I don’t know I’ve never been in here.” Tina said looking around the safe.
“Fuck that safe. We got the merch so we need to bounce.” Marie said heading to the elevator.
Everyone quickly followed on the same page as she and ran down the hall. Pet handed his black bag containing a portion of the merch to one of his boys as he picked Red up and threw her over his shoulder entering the elevator. Outside they loaded up in the soldier’s two company black Expeditions packed like rats and road out. Pet hit the gate giving the signal to Bentley to open it acting as if everything was cool. The windows were tinted so black that he couldn’t see inside of them but he buzzed the gate and allowed them to drive through. Bentley looked up at the clock on the wall and realized they were leaving the Shop early tonight. There were plenty of times Messiah would give everyone time off so he thought nothing of it and made sure they were gone before buzzing the gate back closed.
“Baby don’t stop they’re gone now.” Bentley said with his elbows resting on the desk and leaning his head back in enjoyment.
This time he had a Spanish fruit topping in the office giving him one of the greatest blowjobs he’d ever had in his entire life. That fool read his body like an open book as his legs trembled with excitement. He was so engaged in the feel of the man’s mouth around his scrawny charcoal colored schlong that he hadn’t even focused on the two men entering the office. One of the men took out his cop issued Glock 23 and pointed it at Bentley’s head hoping that would get his attention, but it didn’t.
“Ooo, baby I’m bout to bust!” Bentley moaned.
“And so am I.” Agent Crosby said.
Startled, Bentley turned around becoming face to face with the barrel of the gun and now shaking for an entirely different reason. His man friend rose slowly wondering what the hell was going on and putting his hands in the air.
“Don’t shoot please.” He recited as he wiped the slob from his lips.
“What can I do for you?” Bentley asked never taking his eyes off the gun.
“Looking for Messiah Torres. I know he’s here and I know the drugs are here. So point me in the direction of them and nobody gets hurt.” Crosby said.
Bentley looked at his partner, Maxwell, who was just standing there with his arms folded smacking his gum like it was going out of style. Both of them had on their bulletproof vests but they would be no match for the huge stinger he had laying no less than a few inches from him under the desk. He wanted to reach for it but he thought about how wise it would be for him to have two dead cops in the office and how much more trouble it would bring Messiah.
“He’s not here. I would suggest you come back during normal business hours.” Bentley said sarcastically.
“Do I look like I’m fucking amused here? Where the fucks the drugs?” Crosby became irate moving closer to Bentley’s face.
His friend had become hysterical, crying and waving his hands in front of his face wildly. Crosby grew annoyed from it all and pointed the gun at him. “Shut the fuck up!” he yelled.
“I don’t know where any of that stuff is dude. All I know…”
“Yes…what is it?”
“I know that if I did know anything I wouldn’t tell your cracker ass shit!” Bentley stood there waiting for them to jump hard.
They agents laughed hysterically realizing that these fools had no idea who they were dealing with.
“So, you boys like to take it in the ass huh? I bet you don’t know what a real dick looks like. Get the keys to that storage unit right there.” Crosby said putting his weapon down by his side still clenching it.
Bentley knew that these assholes weren’t right the minute he set eyes on them. He honestly never knew how to get in the Candy Shop and for that matter really didn’t know what took place down there. All he knew was how they got in and out, that was it. But it seemed that he and his friend were about to pay for the shit he didn’t know.
Caught Up
“Girl, you better be lucky you pregnant, else I’d kick your ass dead in your mouth.” Skid said walking back to the car.
“I’m sorry. How was I supposed to know that I wasn’t in labor? This is my first kid you know.” Braze said opening the car door tugging at the huge jogging suit Skid had given her to put on, on their way to the hospital.
“You fucking with my money now with all this shit.”
“Um, can you just drop me off at home? I’m not feeling well.”
“Hell naw. You about to choke it up and take your ass back to work. You gonna have to work overtime to make up for this shit.”
Braze became worried. She didn’t want to go back there at all and they assured her that this would all go according to plan. She started to hyperventilate, scooting down in the seat and cocking her legs open letting all of her funk out.
“Damn girl, what the fuck is wrong with you? Close that shit up and quit acting. You fucked up once tonight don’t make it happen again. I will slap a bitch.” Skid said covering his nose and becoming increasingly angry at her show.
When Braze realized that her lies weren’t working, she decided that desperate times called for desperate measures. She started kicking and screaming and pulling on the seat belts and steering wheel almost causing Skid to swerve off the road. Before he knew it he had reached up and slapped her right in the mouth.
“What the hell are you doing? You trying to kill us or something? Now move again and see won’t I slap your ass again. I told you I’m not scared to slap a bitch.” Skid said now pulling into the driveway of the Candy Shop.
He looked over noticing Bentley was gone and just assumed he had gone upstairs for the night. He hit the button on his visor watching as the gate slid to the right. He drove like a bat out of hell to the entrance to the underground then tugged Braze on her arm, as she cried hysterically not wanting to go inside. She cried all the way to the bottom floor as the doors opened revealing an empty shop. Skid looked around in shock clueless as to what the hell happened. The dogs were roaming freely wondering where everyone was themselves, as Skid dragged her to the office to make sure everything was still there. He looked at her shaking his head then slapped her again. She curled up in the office couch holding her face and her stomach at the same time.
“What happened?” Skid said grinning evilly.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Braze lied.
Skid reached his large hand up again ready to knock her teeth out of her mouth if she lied again. “What happened? Did that little bitch, Red have something to do with this?”
“No, no, no.” She shivered on the couch shielding her face from another blow.
“You’ve got five seconds to tell me what happened or I’mma knock that baby out of your ass. Five, four, three…”
“Okay! Okay! They gonna kill me, man…”
“You don’t need to be worried about them you need to be worried about me right now.” Skid said grabbing her up by her arms then throwing her back down on the couch.
“It was Zadie and Pet. They said to stage this shit and it would be so easy. They said no one would get caught.” Braze cried.
“Okay so where’s Red?” Skid asked looking down the “belly”.
“They took her. Zadie wanted her because Messiah was paying her more attention and Pet was supposed to steal the stash for himself. So he could come up like Messiah. I’m so, so sorry.”<
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“Oh you will be. Where are they?”
“I swear that’s the only thing that I don’t know. I swear.” She said looking him in the face making sure he knew she was real.
Skid took out his Iphone frantically dialing Messiah’s number to tell him everything that went down. He hoped he wouldn’t be mad at him for leaving in the first place, blaming it all on him.