Candy Shop Read online

Page 8

  “What?” Messiah said trying to remain quiet as it was the middle of the night and nurses snapped about noise disturbing their patients. “Where’s Red?”

  “They got her, man.”

  “Damn.” Messiah shook his head feeling like this shit was all his fault. “Alright, don’t do anything, take Braze to the condos on Harlem and wait for my mark. I’m about…”

  Messiah was halted when his other line rang. “Hold on.”

  He looked at the number and rolled his eyes answering it anyway. “Hello?”

  “Yeah. I know I’m the last person you want to hear from right now but I need to talk to you bro.” Danger said.

  “I’m listening.”


  “Hey baby girl. Wake up.” Zadie said.

  Red grunted a little as she finally came to after two hours of unconsciousness. She looked around at her surroundings not knowing where the hell she was. Her head was banging really hard like she had been hit with a ton of bricks and her vision was a little blurry. She looked up and saw Pet sitting down in a chair and Zadie circling her like a piranha. Her hands were tied up above her head as she dangled from the ceiling as if she were a slaughtered cow. As her vision began to focus she realized that the breeze she was feeling wasn’t a draft, she was completely naked.

  “Bitch, what the fuck have you done to me?” Red asked sluggishly.

  “I haven’t done anything honey. Pet on the other hand…hm, he looks satisfied to me.”

  “You son of a bitch!” Red screamed.

  Tears formed in her eyes but she refused to let them fall. She refused to let them see that she was hurt over the bullshit they had put her through. Her arms were beginning to feel sore from chains wrapped around her wrists pulling her upward. She felt her toes barely touching the ground swinging them desperately trying to wiggle her way to the ground.

  “Oh now, no need for the pleasantries. I’m sure you can thank him later.” Zadie laughed.

  “Why are you doing this? What the fuck do you want?” Red snarled.

  “I want you to feel what I felt ever since you walked your bony ass into the Shop. I was happy. I was about to marry this man and then you came along and fucked his head up.” Zadie slapped her ass as she walked around her. “You fucked my money up.”

  “You stupid bitch. How could you marry an already married man?”

  Zadie picked up the long wooden paddle she had laying on the floor and swung it around like it was a twirling baton. Red’s attitude was pissing her off to the fullest, wanting her to beg for mercy instead of being bitchy and cocky.

  “That man is mine. I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about but that man is mine and as soon as I get rid of you, we’ll be happy again.”

  “Are you fucking insane or just plain stupid? Messiah is married! He’ll never love you, he’ll never marry you. You were just a hobby, a sport, something to do bitch when he got bored.”

  Zadie stopped twirling the paddle instantly letting the tip of it hit the floor as her arm went limp. She could feel her boiling point being reached as her hand seemed to take on a mind of it’s own raising the paddle and knocking Red in the face with it. Blood flew out of her mouth at the same time her face did while Red coughed trying to collect herself. The blood tasted like copper in her mouth as she gathered enough of it in her mouth to spit out. She aimed for Pet but fell terribly short as he sat there with his legs crossed and a silly smile on his face like he was enjoying the show.

  “Now bitch, you are going to suffer until your last heart beat. Maybe in your next life you’ll learn not to fuck with bitches like me.” Zadie whispered in her ear as she began beating her to a bloody pulp.

  No nook or cranny would be left unturned on her body as she reached as far back as she could extending her arm as high as she could to deliver mighty blows to Red’s backside, face, stomach and chest. She showed her no mercy becoming drunk from power with every stroke. She laughed horridly at the sound of Red’s moans of pain.

  Pet licked his lips and stroked his junk on the inside of his pants vigorously as he patiently awaited his turn with her glistening gloden body. He didn’t care that blood would be dripping from almost every inch of her. All he could think of was the smell of her and her pussy on his flesh. Ever since she had walked into the Candy Shop he could think of nothing else but violating her, as he had done over and over again in his dreams. Even though her mouth would be saying no, in his mind all she was doing was begging for more.

  Red tried to hold her sounds in but it was no use as she felt life slipping away from her with every blow. She lowered her head hoping to fall unconscious before the next blow and then ringing was heard in the distance. Zadie walked over to the crate that her phone was sitting on to view the number, angry that she had forgotten to put it on vibrate so she wouldn’t be disturbed.

  “Hello?” She answered letting the paddle drop to the floor seemingly out of breath.

  “Yeah, um, we need to talk.” Danger said.

  “About what?”

  “Yeah I don’t think that’s a good idea you know what I’m saying. I had a while to think about it, man. I could hook you back up with my brother. I know how to talk to him you know.”

  “Talk to him?”

  Zadie was confused at what Danger was presenting to her but even more confused that Pet had gotten up and began sniffing Red’s feet. He was sick, she knew, but to what extent she had no idea.

  “Yeah, I mean you ain’t gotta do all that revenge shit boo. You’re too pretty for that you know. I gotchu just meet me at the Candy Shop in an hour. We can all sit in the office and talk.” Danger said.

  “The office?” Zadie bit her lip.

  “Yeah, the office. What the fucks wrong with you kid? You acting crazy and shit man. The office, meet us at the office. You want this dude or not?” Danger became irate with her constant repeating.

  “Naw, I’m good. I’m just wondering why you wanna help me. It just seems weird.”

  “Well if you haven’t heard, I’m fucking his wife. So when she gets out of her coma, that’s my bitch you feel me. If you got him, he ain’t gonna be thinking about her.”

  “So it’s true…he’s married? Well…what about Red? I mean I’m sure he’s into her so you don’t need me.”

  “Yeah he’s married but he don’t love her. Naw, Zadie, I just got off the phone with him and he ain’t thinking about either one of their asses.”

  Zadie’s left eye flinched badly as she turned around looking at a bloody and bruised Red hanging from the ceiling as the light brightly lit the blood dripping from her body. Her mouth dropped open wondering what the fuck she had done. There was no way to undo the damage especially the shit at the Candy Shop so she wondered how she would get out of this one.

  “Naw, um, why don’t y’all meet me at my house. That way if everything goes right, you can leave us alone for the night.”

  “Alright bet.” Danger hung up the phone.

  He picked it back up dialing wildly.

  “Ayo, the shit is set.”


  Tina and Marie were showing the other seven soldiers how to capsulize the X. Pet wanted to get the shit out on the street as soon as possible since he was thirsty for money. He wanted to be Messiah so badly that he would be willing to kill his own mother to do it. He was ruthless like that and was tired of being a mere soldier to Messiah’s every beck and call. The soldiers caught on right away thirsty to get money for themselves as well. All of them sampled as they packed giving them the proper rush they needed to complete the job.

  “Don’t touch that shit. Pet is gonna snap if we fuck up his house. All we supposed to do is pack this shit.” Tina said.

  “Well I’m tired of packing. That’s all we ever do. They better pay us for all this shit yo.” Marie replied.

  “Bitch, you’re always complaining just get your ass over here and pack this shit before I slap your ass.” Tina pointed to the floor next to her. “As soon as Pet becom
es as large as Messiah is I’m hook that fool and the both of us will be home free. Okay baby?”

  “I don’t like the fact that you have to be the one to hook him. Why not me?”

  “Cause my dear sweet Marie,” Tina was kind then turned stern in under a minute, “you are weak and won’t get him the way I will.”

  Marie was distraught at Tina’s words but she leaned in and kissed her so fast that she didn’t have time to react to it. Marie was a little touched in the head and Tina knew it, that’s how she was able to take advantage of her and get her to do what she wanted. The soldiers were a bunch of horn dogs loving the show the ladies were putting on. They whistled and cheered them on telling them to take their clothes off.

  “Get out!” Tina yelled. “Take this shit with you and finish downstairs.”

  Thought You Were Slick

  Skid threw Braze in the car heading out to the condos just as Messiah had requested. He was beyond livid as he thought more and more how this was all her fault. She knew that shit would have never taken place with him there but he hated being involved in bullshit. The car was silent as they drove to the gate. Skid looked over at the first storage unit in the row and noticed that there was a flicker of light coming from underneath the open door. Those doors are always closed and locked tight so he didn’t know what the fuck was going on in there but he figured some homeless dudes must’ve have breached the perimeter and had broken in.

  “Don’t fucking move or I’ll blow your brains in right here, you got it?” Skid said pointing to Braze’s forehead. She nodded her head profusely in agreement and watched as he got out of the car virtually tip toeing to the open storage unit. He secured his piece in his hand and raised the door aiming it and ready to shoot.

  “What the fuck is going on in here?” Skid yelled looking confused at the scene his eyes were locked on.

  What he saw would probably plague him for years to come. He thought he was imagining it but the more he blinked the more real it became. Bentley and his male friend were stretched out on the cold concrete floor crying hysterically while the two DEA agents were standing over them cheering and laughing. The agents looked at Skid grabbing their sides as if to snatch their guns out.

  “Hold on! If y’all so much as blink, the last thing you’ll see is black.” Skid bellowed.

  “Wait a minute now boy. Don’t be a stupid here. We were just having a little fun here. You might wanna put that down cause it wouldn’t be smart to shoot a couple of cops.” Agent Maxwell said putting his hands up and patting the air as if to tell him to lower his weapon.

  Agent Crosby took the cigarette out of his mouth and stood up waiting to see what Skid’s next move was. He didn’t care what anyone had to say; if Skid made the wrong move he would be pulling a cap out of his ass. Skid lowered his weapon but kept his finger posted on the trigger just in case any funny business kicked off. He watched as two skimpily dressed, worn down, piss invested, wrinkled up prostitutes continued to bounce up and down on the junks of Bentley and his lover. The smell eroding from in between their legs could stop someone’s heart. Bentley and his friend cried like one-year-old babies wanting the whole ordeal to be over.

  “Alright ladies. Let’s call it a night.” Maxwell said pulling out two hundred dollar bills from his pocket handing one to each of them as they pulled their tight glittering skirts back down. They walked out the door headed back to their little strip right on the bus stop across the street from the Shop.

  “You son of a bitches!” Bentley barked grabbing his lover’s hand to help him up. The men trotted across the way to Bentley’s apartment above the office.

  “I suggest you get out of here before he comes down with a shot gun ready to blow your fucking heads off.” Skid said heading back to his car.

  “Whoa. Not so fast. We came here looking for Messiah Torres and we ain’t leaving ‘til we get him.” Maxwell replied.

  “Well, I don’t know where he is and good luck with that because I think I see Bentley loading up his shotgun through the window.” Skid said getting in the car and hitting the button on the gate.

  The agents saw that as their cue to leave having had enough fun for one night. Crosby tossed the cigarette into the storage unit as the two men dodged the closing gate headed back to the vehicle. They weren’t concerned with Bentley or his retribution but they had bigger fish to fry and didn’t want to stick around to make an already bad situation worst.

  “You think he’ll call the police?” Maxwell asked.

  “That fag will have to prove it. It’s our word, two decorated officers, against his.”


  Zadie rushed back to her house, leaving Pet behind with Red to keep an eye on her. She couldn’t pass up an opportunity to get her man back especially since her main threat would be out of the picture. Something in her head clicked, thinking like she should feel a little bad for doing all of this to Red but she was still invading her territory. The bitch got what she deserved. She thought as she drove back to the house thinking of what dress she wanted to wear for her man. The thought of him already being married plagued her mind but she wasn’t going to let that minor hurdle affect her feelings for him because in her mind she could easily be erased.

  She made it to the house and raced to her bedroom picking out her black and white striped Nicole Miller jersey dress and laying it across the bed. She paired it with some white Jimmy Choo’s and skirted off to the shower. She knew that this was the moment to look good for him and show him what he would otherwise be missing. She hit the shower scrubbing extra good making sure to hit every inch just in case he was feeling extra generous and wanted to give her kitty cat a lick. It would be a firstfor him since they’ve been messing around. Zadie grabbed a towel and dried off pinning her hair up in a nice tight bun leaving a few curly tendrils hanging down.

  After she dressed, she but her makeup on extra thick and whorish just like he liked. Zadie left no stone unturned because tonight she was going to rock Messiah’s world like she never did before. She went downstairs to her living room to check her cell to see if he or his brother had called her but there were no missed calls. She gazed out of the window to see if his car was out there but still nothing. A part of her began to worry wondering if Danger had kept his word to her. It would’ve broken her heart to know that he had lied to her.

  “Pet is everything good.” She asked.

  “Yep, everything’s wonderful over here.” He said sounding out of breath.

  “You haven’t killed her yet have you? I don’t know what I want to do yet.”

  “Naw, this bitch still breathing as far as I can tell. Shit at least her pussy is still warm.” He said making slurping sounds.

  “Ew. Fool you are nasty, yo. Oh well, do what you have to do but don’t kill the bitch. I might have to use that hoe as bait. You need to chill for a minute and call them hoes at your house to make sure them dudes is packing that shit right.” Zadie said dabbing Mac lip-gloss on her lips.

  “I’m busy. Why can’t you do it?”

  “Because I don’t want to be on the phone when he gets here now fucking call over there!” Zadie angrily hit the end button hanging up on him.

  “I think it’s a little too late for that don’t you think?”

  Zadie turned around startled to see Messiah sitting there in the darkness next to her fireplace. She hadn’t anticipated him already being in her house and wondered how he even got in. He sat there leering out at her without a sound and never moving an inch. It was if he was studying her like a lab rat, watching her every move and storing it for further research. He sat with his legs crossed manly like and his fingers folded resting their tips on his upper lip.

  “Hey baby. Uh, how long have you been sitting there?” She said attempting to pull her foot out of her mouth.

  “Long enough to know that you are a lying, conniving little bitch.” Messiah was surprisingly calm never bursting a blood vessel when he spoke.

  “Baby, I…”

��Stop calling me that! I’m not now nor have I ever been your fucking baby. Bitch you’re delusional. We had nothing. It was straight fucking. That’s it.”

  “So that’s all I was to you…pussy on a stick?”

  “Basically. Now you’re getting it. I never felt anything for you and I never will. Not to mention the fact that I’m married and had no intentions on leaving my wife. She’s everything to me and you…you were something to do.”

  There were those words again. Zadie wasn’t fond of being called “something to do”. She couldn’t stand the thought of someone one-upping her on a game she claimed to play so well. In her mind, she was beyond the shit and everyone needed to bow down to her every word. Rejection was not something Zadie was accustomed to or handle well. She was persistent like a motherfucka when it came down to shit she wanted and needed. It was get rich or die trying.